I love researching witnesses! I have found so much new information by researching people who were associated with my ancestors in some way, even if not directly related. Sometimes I even end up going off on a tangent because the witness I'm looking into ends up being so interesting... haha.

Also, I love the name of your blog. :D

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Savanna, Love that you also go off on tangents!!! I've always wanted a column with that name and now I finally have it!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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This is so true - I started paying attention to witnesses and informants on (for example) death certificates when I realized the informants were often children or in-laws of the deceased.

It can help resolve inconsistent facts when you compare information from an informant who forgot or didn't know a fact with a record where the informant DID know.

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Yes, death certificate informants are so important. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Thanks for your input.

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I was like you - skipping over witnesses because I was so excited to find a record. Then one time I was looking at my dad's baptism certificate and noticed who the priest was that signed the record (a detail I rarely even think about looking at) -- it was the uncle of a good friend of mine! It can be a small world! So now I check out the names of witnesses, sponsors, clerks, priests, etc. It is, as you said, a great way to confirm connections, find new relations, and really just an understanding of a community.

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Kirsi, That was a great find! Your point about understanding community. If they live near they would come for the wedding or birth back then. I'm thinking that Maria and Margaretha came over together. I just need to start searching that!! I did find last night on some German records in the mid 1700s one woman was a witness for a lot of people. I think she must have been with the church to fill in and was not a relative. I love all these mysteries we are solving or not!!

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Great point about looking at the records beyond your ancestors — those that were documented on the pages before or after — to see something like you discovered (one woman being a witness on multiple records).

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I agree with you Lynda that witnesses are a great resource for finding out more about your family. There was another point in your post right at the end that I feel is really important - "Working with a fellow genealogist on a common goal has also been a rewarding experience". Collaboration can bring about amazing results. I found my missing 2x great grandfather through collaboration with a cousin who was researching the line of his brother. I would never have found him otherwise.

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Jennifer, Collaboration can really help. Glad it did for you. Tony, in searching for our connection, found my 3 great grandparents but I believe they are also his ancestors but we're still looking. I'd still be looking if it wasn't for him. We have only spoken once on the phone but have emailed over these last three years. I hope one of these days we'll meet.

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Sounds wonderful Lynda. You're developing a very special relationship and I hope you do get to meet up one day.

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I also discovered the value of witnesses years after researching one ancestor. I'm always happy to see witnesses.

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Cynthia, I still have some that I can't figure out who they are, but I will eventually.

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Sep 6Liked by Lynda Heines

Wow, your detailed & comprehensive searches make my head spin. Are you and I related?!

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Ray, haha. Maybe that's why we get along so well!!

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I never would have thought to look at witnesses. Love all those old, poetic names.

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Lesley, I didn't either until I just couldn't find the info I needed. I too love all the old names. Tecla is one I've never heard of except in German records.

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