My sister never had children. My closest friends do not have children. I figure I had enough for it to equal out. I grew up knowing I wanted children. I had no cousins bc my parents were both only children with broken or no family (save my Dads grandmother) - 2 lonely people came together to have 2 little girls, each following their own path. I respect every woman’s choice, no questions asked.

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Thanks for your comment. I never grew up with cousins, even though with all my research, I've found I had them. I'm not sure why we never got together. It was a difficult time back then bucking the tide, but I wasn't alone, and those who wanted to remain childless banded together. I told boyfriends early on about my decision so several decided to move on, and that was fine with me. Like you, I respect every woman's choice. A friend of mine went on to have four children. We had talked about the zero population. I told her I'd give her my two!!

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I love this, thank you for sharing. I am a fellow childless cat lady in a loving, committed relationship. No intention or desire to have kids. I just have never felt that urge, even though my whole life people have been telling me I'll change my mind or regret not having kids. It just has never happened. And that's okay. <3

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Savanna, Yes, people just don't understand that some of us haven't felt that urge. Yeah, I got that line about I'll change my mind or who will take care of you when you are old. My siblings all left town, and I was here for my dad but so many kids aren't these days. Thanks for reading and commenting. Means a lot to me.

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Thanks for sharing Lesley. Those comments were repugnant.

I’m a childless dog woman. I also didn’t feel the urge, neither did my husband. I remember the week before we got married asking him just to be sure. ‘I don’t want you to go into this thinking I’m going to change your mind’ … ‘I bloody hope not he said!’

13 years married, 21 years together, 45yo, no children. I’m content with my lot and not in the slightest bit dangerous … well maybe a little!

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Han, Thanks. My first husband was like yours because as you did, I told him I won't change my mind. He had about the same reaction!! I'm sure you're a bit dangerous!! :-) Thanks for reading and commenting.

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Aren’t we all!! 😂 I’m so sorry for getting your name wrong Lynda, I saw a reply from Lesley above & that’s what I went with!!

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I figured that. No problem!

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I started out like you Lynda. In my late teens, early twenties I was not, definitely not, having children. I was fine with that decision but family and friends were not.

The fact that I have three grandchildren now, well-loved, tells you I mangled that plan.

Good on you for doing it your way and withstanding the negative onslaught.

PS JDV hasn’t a freaking clue.

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Marci, Thanks for your comment. I was determined not to be swayed. I had a tubal when I was 27 while going through my first divorce. When I would start dating guys again, I told them after the first couple of dates since I wanted to be upfront. Lost several relationships but that was okay. Good to find out early on. I think I would have been a good mother but just didn't have interest in it. Had my mother lived (she died when I was 21) she would have been pretty upset with my decision as she wanted grandkids. A couple weeks before she died (unexpectedly) she told me she'd never see her grandchildren. I figured she was saying that because the three other siblings had none and I wasn't married and had no intention of having children. Now looking back I think she was telling me she was dying. Anyway, sounds like you ended up fine.

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Very well written! Thank you for this post!

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David, Thank you so much.

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You are most welcome...

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